
They are available by contacting the LOC.
To keep in touch with the colleagues you meet during KePASSA 2015, we can provide the list of E-mails of all attendees, that do NOT appear explicitly on the website actually. Please contact us in case you feel interested. Florent, on behalf of LOC
Thank you to those of you that would agree to share some pictures of KePASSA 2015, to be displayed on the Gallery page. Please send them to me out. The first contributors are: FD, Denis Hautesserres, Olivier Turpin, Lucie Maquet, Juan Felix San Juan, Hélène Ma. Florent
The LOC/SOC hope each participants enjoyed the first day of KePASSA 2015. Do not hesitate to send feed-back right now to us, or to make some suggestions to improve again, if possible, the organization of the two other days. Florent, on behalf SOC/LOC.
Dear KePASSA 2015 conference participants, Today: D-DAY -2 ! :) Everything, up to now, seems to be under control for the conference. All what we thought about to organize a nice conference is in progress, and we made our best to welcome you @ ENSEEIHT in the best possible way. The LOC is looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, and wishes you a safe trip to Toulouse. In case anything problematic may arise from your side, please feel free to contact the LOC to let us know how to provide you with further assistance. All practical informations have been made available on the website, including maps of Toulouse downtown to join ENSEEIHT. As other small things, you will be provided a city map in the conference bag. As you may have become aware of, he SOC prepared a wonderful scientific program. More than 30 papers covering all the fields in the scope of the KePASSA initiative. We really hope each of you will take this opportunity to interact with some colleagues on fields directly linked or "only" related to each one's field of research. Accordingly, long coffee breaks have been scheduled to encourage discussions. Except for the three plenary (position) papers supposed to give a general overview of the topics, a 25-minute slot has been assigned, including questions. Speakers please make your best to strictly follow this slot, so as not having to postpone the end-of-session time. Some "events" are also scheduled during the week: presentation of the posters, a short presentation to initiate the "orbit comparison" WG, a group photo, let alone the great expected social event on Thursday, to discover Toulouse and the neighborhood from "Canal du Midi", jointly with some typical dishes from "Sud-Ouest". I will be collecting all the presentations on a laptop that will be used during the whole conference. Speakers, would you please send me out your files (pdf encouraged, ppt also, as well as other additional material) at your earliest convenience, so as to prepare the sessions in advance. Each presentation will be destroyed at the end of the conference, unless I will be agreed by the authors to make them available on the website. We'll discuss together as well on the opportunity to build a proceedings volume based on the system (or not). Please continue to contact us in case something is forgotten to be sure anyone will have fun by participating to KePASSA 2015 (in particular in case those of your colleagues not already registered would eventually like to participate). Please also have a look on the 'News" page of the site, that will be updated accordingly. We are very pleased to welcome you in Toulouse. Looking forward to meeting you again in only (less than) two days. Florent, on behalf of the whole Local and Scientific Organizing Committees of KePASSA 2015.
Now on-line: more than 30 presentations, and 50 participants to the 2015 KePASSA conference !
Can be downloaded in HD on the "gallery" pages.
The official pictures for KePASSA2015 are now finalized. They can be downloaded on the "pictures" pages.
We still have the opportunity to pay for a couple of flight tickets for those of young participants to the 2015 KePASSA conference that may appreciate a grant to come in Toulouse. First come, first served basis, by e-mailing Florent Deleflie
Occitania now officially booked for the KePASSA 2015 conference
Website updated to get the registration and abstract submission be easier
The Website Kepassa is now online!!
Online user: 1 RSS Feed